Saturday, December 28, 2013

Breakfast smoothie

Good morning all, and happy Saturday! I hope your weekend has started off on a good note. I know that I didn't post yesterday, so I'll be doing two posts today to compensate for that. I hope that you guys like them!

The recipe this morning is a little different, in that it includes spinach (rather than kale) and a banana. Usually, I can't stand the taste of bananas, but I know that they are very nutritious, so I need to somehow get around that. This recipe is great for breakfast, and is one I have named my NanaBerry smoothie (working title, don't judge me!). If you guys have a suggestion for a better name, let me know!

Here are the ingredients:

Handful of spinach 
1/2 of a ripe banana
1/2 cup mixed (frozen) berries
1 tbsp honey
1/2 cup distilled water

I'd gotten a little too excited, and drank half of it before taking the picture. My overall feeling on this smoothie is that it's delicious! The spinach has a much less imposing flavor, so the fruit is able to shine through. In addition, this drink is helping with a headache that I woke up with this morning! I'm very happy with the results, but I'm going to keep working with the kale - I'm determined to make it work! Remember to live life, and eat well!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Juicing Two-For-One!!

Good evening everyone! I hope you all had a merry Christmas yesterday, and were able to spend time with your families. Since I had the same juice two days in a row, I decided to combine the posts for yesterday and today. Here's the recipe:

2 ribs of dino kale
1/2 cup frozen berry mix
1 cup orange juice
3 tbsp honey
1 cup distilled water

It's the same procedure as my other juices this week (going forward, I'll just post the ingredients for the juices - you guys are smart enough to know what to do!)

Here are my thoughts on this juice:

1.) The flavor is definitely getting better - I think the citrus juice helped to tame the flavor of the kale some.

2.) I'm going to try spinach as my green - I know the kale is healthy, but that flavor is STRONG lol!

3.) Using frozen berries is definitely the way to go - I was able to use an organic antioxidant berry blend, and I really like how it tastes.

I like this juice, but I've still got a lot to learn! Remember to live life, and eat well!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 2: Hit or miss?

Good evening and merry Christmas Eve y'all! I hope you guys are as excited for tomorrow as I am. I may have gotten my presents already, but I couldn't be more grateful for the people and blessings God has placed in my life. So I look forward to celebrating the real reason for the season, the birth of Christ, even though I'll have to work.

For today's juice, I wanted to make something easy and a little sweeter than yesterday's juice. I was also interested in trying blueberries and peaches together. Side note: fresh berries keep horribly, so from now on I'll be buying frozen ones for juicing. 

Here's the recipe for today's juice:

2 ribs of Dino kale
Handful of blueberries
Half of a can of peaches, drained (or 1 large ripe peach)
1.5 cups of distilled water

I blended all of the ingredients together in the tall Magic Bullet cup until fairly smooth.

Here are my thoughts: 

1.) I honestly wasn't really a fan of this juice - it was way more sour than I'd anticipated, so I know I'll have to add honey to the mix next time.

2.) I didn't really like the fact that the peaches tasted canned in the time, I'll try a fresh (or frozen) peach, and see how it tastes.

Overall, it was a miss today. *Kanye shrug* it happens! Hopefully the mix will be better tomorrow. Good night, live life and eat well!

Monday, December 23, 2013

My first green juice!

Good afternoon!I hope you guys are doing well...I just wanted to quickly share an experience (and personal challenge) that I've recently come across! My parents were kind enough to give me a MagicBullet system as a Christmas present yesterday, and I absolutely LOVE it!!! In addition, they gave me various kinds of produce, so that I could start experimenting with green juice recipes. I love you guys! <3 

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am not really a salad kind of girl. In my mind, it is, and probably always will be, on the level of "rabbit food". (My brother and I used to have rabbits as pets, and we would actually feed them salad mix from time to time!) So, any chance to get some veggies in, have it taste good, and NOT have it in a salad is good in my book! That's where the Magic Bullet comes in. Now, I can blend up a green juice as I get ready in the morning, and drink it rather than a cup of coffee.

So, I've decided to try something new. I'm going to do my best to have a green juice every day for at least the next week, and see how my body feels! I'll be posting the recipes here, and letting you know my thoughts on them. Once I've gotten a recipe down to where I'd like, I'll even give the juice a name!

Here's the recipe for my Day 1 juice:

3 ribs of dino kale
7 raspberries
7 blueberries
7 blackberries
3 tbsp honey
1 cup of distilled water

I added the ingredients to the Magic Bullet tall cup, and blended until the mixture was fairly smooth.

My thoughts? I loved it! I was so excited to make this juice, that I forgot to take a picture of the ingredients before I blended them. The kale has a pretty strong flavor and smell, and the fruit wasn't enough to completely mask it, but I don't mind that. I may put in 2 ribs of kale though, just to see if that helps. I'm going to try a different fruit combo in the morning - I'm excited! Live life, and eat (and drink) well!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Ice Blue Treat

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope that all is going well for you. It's hard to believe, but the summer is pretty much over. *tears* However, you can still enjoy some summer flavor with today's recipe - blueberry frozen yogurt! 

This recipe is almost not a recipe at all - it's that simple to make! And, if you made some of my blueberry jam, then you'll be able to whip up some of this almost at a moment's notice. I tend to keep Greek yogurt in my fridge, since I use it to deep condition my hair (let me know if you want that mix!), so I know I'll be making this pretty often! It only takes 3-4 ingredients, but it tastes delicious! Try this out, and let me know your thoughts on it!

Blueberry Fro-yo (frozen yogurt)

3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup blueberry jam
2 tbsp honey

1.) Mix all of the ingredients in a freezer-safe container. Taste, and adjust sweetness as needed (for more, add more honey; for less, add some lemon).

2.) Place in the freezer for about 2 hours (or until as firm as you like), stirring every 15 minutes or so to prevent the formation of large ice crystals.

3.) Enjoy!

You can garnish this treat with more blueberries and mint, or add other jams or fruit instead of/with the blueberry jam. Have fun with this! Personally, I'm gonna just eat it right out of the container (don't judge me!!) I hope you guys try this recipe out, and remember - live life, and eat well!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Jam! Blueberry Remix...

Good afternoon! The weekend is winding down, but I hope that yours has been relaxing, fun, and everything you needed after a tough work (or school) week!! I have to admit, I'm sort of not looking too forward to this upcoming week, but it is important and necessary for my health. As some of you know, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in late August of last year, although I'd been dealing with the symptoms for a while before then.

On Tuesday, I will be undergoing a surgery that will hopefully improve my quality of life significantly, but that will also have me on a major turn-down for the next month or so. I say this not to garner pity, but rather as a request that you guys keep me in your prayers; you never know completely what someone else is going through - someone may look completely fine, but be dealing with something absolutely horrible. Only a few people really saw the consequences of my condition, and I hope to keep it that way. But, hopefully I will be (basically) back to normal once my body has healed post-surgery.

On a much lighter note, this post is for the first of my blueberry recipe posts; obviously, I won't be able to continue with the blueberry posts until after my recovery. However, I will start putting posts on here as I get better; they won't have pictures, but I'll be posting some of my favorite random recipes that I love to make, and I'll resume my blueberry posts sometime near the middle of August.

This week's recipe is for blueberry jam, in case you couldn't tell by the title - this is a wonderful way to have a piece of summer all year long, and was inspired by a Food Network show episode I recently watched. If you guys don't know, Good Eats is one of my absolute favorite shows, because it not only teaches you how to make recipes, but it teaches you the science behind that recipe, and what is responsible for making it work. I recently saw the Urban Preservation I: Jam Session episode, and became a little bit obsessed with the idea of making my own jam. I have pre-frozen blueberries, but you can absolutely freeze your own if you have fresh ones; place them on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer until they have frozen solid; place them in a labeled plastic freezer bag and you have ready-to-go blueberries!! Easy, huh?

Blueberry Jam (this recipe filled up 3 8 oz. mason jars perfectly for me, but it may vary)

15 oz. frozen blueberries
Pinch of cinnamon
Juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 3/4 cups granulated sugar


Mason Jars with lids
Canning funnel (preferably stainless steel, but I used a plastic one)
Tongs (preferably canning tongs, but I used regular tongs - be very careful if you do this
Stockpot (or other very large pot)
Non-reactive saucepan
Non-reactive metal spoon

1.) Wash all of the hardware thoroughly with hot, soapy water, then rinse thoroughly.

2.) Fill the large stockpot with hot water, then add the mason jars, rings (not the lids!!!! the sealing compount will melt), tongs, and the canning funnel (only if it's metal!!! otherwise, just place it on some paper towels). I would suggest having the tongs handle sticking out, so that it doesn't get as hot and you can use the tongs to pull out the equipment later.

3.) Bring the water to a boil, then let the equipment sterilize for 10 minutes; turn off the heat, then wait 5 minutes before adding the jar lids.

4.) Place the blueberries, cinnamon, lemon juice, and vinegar in the saucepan, then heat on low until the blueberries start to give off juice; then, start mashing the blueberries down with the metal spoon.

5.) Stir frequently and mash the blueberries until the mixture comes to a boil.

6.) Add the sugar, then increase the heat to medium-high and stir constantly until the mixture comes to a rolling boil (think magma!).

7.) Take out all of the equipment using the tongs, draining as much water out of the jars as you can, and place everything on a paper-towel lined cutting board.

8.) Place the funnel in the mouth of each jar, and fill with jam just until the level reaches the bottom of the funnel. DO NOT go past this, otherwise your jars may leak during processing.

9.) Wipe the mouth of each jar with a damp, clean paper towel, then place each lid on top. Don't press down!! It won't be necessary. Screw on the jar rings, just until tight - don't force it!

10.) Place the jars back into the stockpot using the tongs, then bring to a boil and process the jars (let them boil) for 5 minutes. Don't be fooled if you see a few bubbles floating from the top of the jars; this is excess air escaping from inside the jars, not boiling!

11.) Remove from the water and allow to cool on the towel-lined cutting board again for 8 hours, then press on the lid; if it doesn't move, you're good to go, but if it does, just store in the refrigerator and use in 2-3 weeks. Store in a cool, dry place with the rings off, to avoid rust and allow you to inspect the jars for spoilage..

I know this sounds tedious and complicated, but the truth is, it really isn't hard - the hardest part is waiting (or, trying to lift the sealed jars without canning tongs -_- lesson learned for next time)! I really hope you guys try this, but please be careful - keep oven mitts handy, and wear pants/a long-sleeved shirt just in case of splatters.

Here's a little background on the jam-making process:

While the exact origin of jam-making is a topic of debate, it most likely got its start in the Middle East, where cane sugar naturally grew. Marcus Gavius Apicius included jam recipes in his cookbook "Of Culinary Matters", which was written in Rome during the 1st century. Crusaders brought jams to Britain on their return, and the Spanish brought the process to the West Indies.

Jams, and jellies became wildly popular in Europe, and allowed people to enjoy fruit year-round while still obtaining nutritional benefits. However, they were enjoyed mainly by royal households - in particular, Louis XIV ended his royal feasts with fruit preserves in silver serving dishes. Jam dates back to the Tudor times in Britain, and was available in a wide variety of flavors and types. The first American cookbook to include jam recipes dates back to the 17th century; early settlers used various sweeteners (i.e. molasses, honey) and got pectin from boiled apple peels to thicken jams.

Since jams lasted much longer than fresh fruits, and still served as great sources of Vitamin C (prevents scurvy), they became very important for crews on boats. Although it is usually mass-produced now, it is simple to make and can last for at least a year, usually more.


Friday, July 19, 2013

My Italian One-Pan Chicken

Another work week has ended! Huzzah!! Lol! Change seems to be the key word for my life right now - I just graduated from Johns Hopkins University in May, and now have a bachelor's degree in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (it's a bit of a mouthful!). My dream is to own a Michelin-star rated restaurant, but I am realizing that my path to get to that dream isn't, and won't be, the conventional one. That's fine with me - I love challenges!! While I figure out my life plan, I hope that you all will continue to view and use the recipes I post here; don't forget, I want to see your comments, questions, and requests here!! (So far, no one has left a comment, but hopefully that will change soon.) Anyway, here's a random, but tasty, recipe: Italian One-Pan Chicken!

This recipe is perfect for summer. It is light, easy, and fairly quick to make - since I came up with this recipe myself, there isn't really any history behind it. I made this recipe for a coworker, and in the process realized that it's a perfect weeknight entree for warmer months - with some pasta or rice, this will satisfy hunger without causing any drowsiness.

Italian One-Pan Chicken

2 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs
2 lemons, quartered and seeded
1 yellow onion, cut into 6 wedges
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, and spray with a little non-stick cooking spray.

2. Place the chicken thighs, lemons, and onion wedges on the baking sheet; keep in mind that this doesn't need to be specifically arranged - the lemons and onions are there to simply flavor the chicken.

3. Drizzle the white wine and olive oil over the mixture, then sprinkle on the seasonings. Place in the oven and bake for 45 minutes, or until the chicken is no longer pink in the middle. Enjoy!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the finished product - next time I make it, I'll update this post. Remember, live life and eat well!