Saturday, May 19, 2012

My first time: Crepes

Happy Saturday everyone!! I hope that you are having a wonderful start to the weekend; i know that I have so far. My mother graduated yesterday, and I am SOOOOOOO proud of her! (Go Mommy!!) I thought I'd share my little culinary epiphany from this morning, before diving into the regular set-up from my last post. 

So this morning, I thought to make something different for breakfast. I had heard of crepes before, but had been hesitant to make them myself, because I thought that they would be difficult to make. Boy was I wrong! These lovely little French "pancakes" are actually extremely simple to make. I call them "pancakes" because they are so different from the texture and flavor of the typical American pancake that it wouldn't be right for me to leave the quotation marks off. 

It's actually amazing how simple they are, & they will definitely become part of my staple breakfast! I made these sweet crepes with the recipe from Mark Bittman's awesome book How to Cook Everything, but when I develop my own recipe for them, I will be sure to post it here. When I finished making the crepes, I filled them with grape jelly and served them alongside some bacon. Yummy!!! 

Crepes are so versatile; with sugar, they can be filled with jams, jellies, marmalades, custards, fruit - the possibilities are vast! Without the sugar, they can be filled with a variety of tasty savory fillings, and can be used to make an easy meal. So, now that I know this, I will be sure to keep experimenting with them. It's amazing how simple something can turn out to be once you go ahead and make it! Thanks for stopping by, and stay tuned for more firsts and recipes. Much love!

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